This work is a stitched panoramic of three separate paintings: Past (LHS), Present (Mid), and Future (RHS). Together they form a piece called Time. This triptych of paintings describes how my mind deals with the perception of time through memory and projection of thought in the present moment. Memory rolling back time, projection fast forwarding time, and perception creating the present time – all of which flow back and forth through one another. The triptych aims to provide a stimulus to debate/dialogue about what time is, other than a human calculation. Each moment, in its smallest cut, being separate from the next.   


Rian Hotton is a full-time artist, born in Jersey, now based in London. Producing works in varying mediums that are inspired by the built and natural environment, nostalgia, and more recently bridging the gap between art and science. Rian believes that the understanding of our experience and memories along with our imaginations should be the guiding force to answer the questions of the future.

All words and images shown courtesy of the artist.